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Aatrox, Diana, Volibear, & Others Receiving Buffs In Patch 13.14

Riot has unveiled that Aatrox, Diana, Lissandra, Shaco, Shyvana, Volibear, Xerath, and Zyra are receiving massive buffs in patch 13.14.

Compared to prior updates, patch 13.13 was one of the most underwhelming updates we have received in League of Legends. Before, we have seen updates like the mid-season patch 13.10. In this patch, Riot reworked and adjusted most items in the game. While this patch did not include any major champion adjustments, in the next patch, 13.11, we received some much-needed champion balance changes. These changes were aimed at nerfing champions who became overpowered and buffing champions who became underpowered because of the rework.

Similarly, we have seen balance patches revolve around the item rework in the subsequent patches. Patch 13.12 was a far bigger update regarding balance changes due to pro-play.

However, as stated before, patch 13.13 was a far smaller update regarding both buffs and nerfs. While the buffs were useful, only two champions received them. On the other hand, although more champions received nerfs, they did not create any impact. Moreover, the champions who did receive nerfs are still considered top picks even after the patch.

But now, since the upcoming summer update is on the horizon, we can expect even more substantial balance changes coming in the upcoming major patch.

RiotPhroxzon recently revealed all the upcoming changes to patch 13.14. they announced that Aatrox, Diana, Lissandra, Shaco, Shyvana, Volibear, Xerath, and Zyra would receive significant buffs in the upcoming patch 13.14.

Read more: League of Legends Patch 13.14 Notes.

Patch 13.14 Buffs

Aatrox Buffs

  • Q base damage: 10 – 90 >>> 10 – 70
  • Q AD ratio: 60% – 80% >>> 60% – 100%
  • Q minion damage: 55% flat >>> 55% – 70%

Since the nerfs earlier this year, Aatrox has been struggling in the meta. Additionally, the buffs to Grievous Wounds made him even worse than before. Because of it, he couldn’t keep up like before, even after his buffs in 13.5 and 13.9.

But these new buffs might make Aatrox strong as he was before. While his base damage is being nerfed, his Q AD ratio is getting a massive buff on the contrary. Now he can easily kill squishy targets without worrying about dying himself.

Diana Buffs

  • W Shield Strength: 40/55/70/85/100 (+25% AP Ratio) >>> 45/60/75/90/105 (+30% AP)
  • W Damage per orb AP ratio: 15% >>> 18%
  • E AP Ratio: 50% >>> 60%

Diana is one of the most reliable champions in the game. In prior seasons like seasons 11 and 12, she was one of the top picks. However, Diana cannot keep up as the current meta is diverse. The main reason is that most champions who counter Diana are currently the meta picks. These champions include Rek’Sai, Kha’Zix, Kindred, Fiddlesticks, etc.

Even though Rek’Sai and Kindred are getting nerfed in this patch, Riot is also buffing Diana. So we can see more Diana picks in the coming patch.

Lissandra Buffs

  • Q now slows in an area instead of just the first target
  • R minimum base heal: 90 – 190 >>> 100 – 200
  • R minimum heal AP ratio: 25% >>> 55%
  • Lissandra Passive victims also won’t stop at the last few moments before detonating and has a small visibility radius so they can chase around corners/bushes.

Lissandra is getting a huge late-game buff in this patch. While the Q and passive changes are more quality of life changes, the R minimum heal AP ratio buff will make her unstoppable after she buys Rabadon Deathcap as her fourth item.

Shaco Buffs

  • Q bAD ratio increased 50% >>> 60%
  • Backstab bonus damage increased 40% >>> 55%

Probably one of the most unexpected champions to receive a buff is Shaco. Shaco, the demon jester, has been part of many people’s perma-ban list, mainly due to his annoyance. But people who are proficient at him mostly use AP builds. The AP mainly synergizes with his traps. But his overall assassination capabilities still synergize well with AD items. But not many Shaco enthusiasts build it. So AD Shaco is receiving some buffs in patch 13.14.

Shyvana Buffs

  • Q AD ratio increased from 20% – 80% to 20% – 100%
  • Q cooldown increased from 7 – 5 seconds to 8 – 6
  • Q now grants 40% – 60% attack speed for the 2 attacks.
  • E on-hit now scales with 1% max HP per 100 bonus AD.

Shyvana is one of the clunkiest champions to play in the jungle currently. Not only is she not good in the meta, but most highly-picked champions can instantly kill her. But these buffs are not aimed to improve AP Shyvana but instead to make AD Shyvana viable.

With these changes, both Q and E will also scale off AD. It will make Shyvana stronger, especially with items like Trinity Force.

Volibear Buffs

  • W heal increased from 8% – 16% missing health to 8% – 20%
  • Passive magic damage AP ratio increased 40% >>> 50%

Volibear buffs aren’t as substantial that other champions in this patch. But he is receiving more healing in the late game, thanks to his W. This is still a nice change.

Xerath Buffs

  • Base mana: 459 >>> 400
  • P – Mana Surge:
    • Cooldown: 12 >>> 16 seconds
    • Cooldown reduced by 2 seconds per unit killed
    • Now triggers on structures
  • R – Rite of the Arcane:
    • Number of casts: 3/4/5 >>> 4/5/6
    • Damage: 200/250/300 (+45% AP) >>> 180/220/280 (+40% AP)
    • Damage now increased by 20/25/30 (+5% AP) per champion hit for the rest of the duration

Like Shaco changes, Xerath’s buffs are also surprising but for different reasons. Xerath has been one of the strongest artillery mages in the game. He boasts some of the highest damage in the game with a high range. Especially as a support, he is hard to beat. In all ranks, his win rate is 51.93%. Even so, he will receive some slight buffs in patch 13.14.

Zyra Buffs

  • P – Garden of Thorns:
    • Plant monster damage ratio: 150% >>> 100%
    • Now deals 40-100 (based on level) bonus damage against monsters
    • Area of effect ability damage to plants reduced 4 >>> 3
    • Ranged auto attack damage to plants increased 4 >>> 5
  • W – Rampant Growth number of seeds upon first rank increased 1 >>> 2
  • E – Grasping Roots no longer locks out Flash when casting
  • R – Stranglethorns changes:
    • Now casts at maximum range instead of walking into range
    • Missile damage update cadence increased 4 >>> 16 per second

Zyra is currently one of the mediocre champions in the meta. While she is not bad, she is not a highly-picked champion. Additionally, her last balance change was during the durability rework. And before that, her last proper balance adjustments were in early season 11.

Currently, in platinum+ elo, Zyra has a 49.68% win rate and a 2.7% pick rate. So it is a good time for her to receive some substantial buffs.

Patch 13.14 Release Date

These buffs will hit live servers on patch 13.14, scheduled to release on Wednesday, July 19, 2023.
